SEFE Marketing & Trading Limited

Effective 29 July 2022 Gazprom Marketing & Trading Limited has changed its name to SEFE Marketing & Trading Limited.

Subsidiaries of SEFE Marketing & Trading Limited have also changed names as follows:

Previous Name New Name (effective immediately) Supporting Documents
Gazprom Marketing & Trading Limited SEFE Marketing & Trading Limited Click here
Gazprom Marketing & Trading Singapore Pte Ltd SEFE Marketing & Trading Singapore Pte Limited Click here
Gazprom Global LNG Limited SEFE LNG Limited Click here
Gazprom Marketing & Trading Retail Limited (t/a Gazprom Energy) SEFE Energy Limited Click here
Gazprom Marketing & Trading Switzerland AG SEFE Marketing & Trading Switzerland AG Click here
Gazprom Marketing & Trading France SAS (also uses brand name Gazprom Energy) SEFE Energy SAS Click here
Gazprom Mex (UK) 1 Limited SEFE Marketing & Trading Mex (UK) 1 Limited Click here
Gazprom Mex (UK) 2 Limited SEFE Marketing & Trading Mex (UK) 2 Limited Click here

The composition of each of the companies, their business activities, and their corporate identification details (including operational and organisational codes such as Entity Identification Codes (EICs), ACER codes, LEI codes and shipping codes) remain unchanged. Bank details also remain unchanged, with exception of account names which have been updated to reflect the above.

With immediate effect:

  • All future payments should be made to our existing bank account(s), but in the respective new name(s) above;
  • All invoices must be raised using the new name(s);
  • All of your relevant internal systems and records should be updated to reflect the new name(s); and
  • All new agreements, contracts, amendments, notices and any other formal legal documents issued by us or entered in to by us will be in the respective new name(s).

Please note that we are now unable to process invoices received in our previous company name(s) and will require such invoices to be reissued with the correct company name. To avoid payment delays we therefore urge you to update your relevant systems and records without delay.

The name change does not affect in any way our legal personality, our rights and obligations and no amendments to our existing contracts with you are required.

Please share this with the necessary persons/departments within your organisation and direct any queries to your usual contacts or to

Please note that over the coming weekend starting at 19:00 GMT, Friday 9 September the majority of our email addresses will change from to with the exception of the following addresses:

Settlement and Confirmation (exception list)

Power Operations (exception list)


Treasury (exception list)

The addresses above are used for operational needs and will remain unchanged for a short while to ensure the business workflow is uninterrupted and will be updated as soon as operational processes allow

Please expect all future emails from us (apart from the addresses above for the transition period only) to arrive from domain. To minimise effort and disruption, we will continue to receive any emails you send to Gazprom email addresses. However, we kindly ask you to update your contact records and relevant systems and use our new SEFE Marketing & Trading email addresses.

Additional note for counterparties trading on exchanges: The name change process with trading platforms and exchanges relevant for Market on Close (“MOC”) participation may take a number of weeks (beyond the name change with Companies House) to conclude. Formal notices specifying the date as of which the new company name will be reflected on trading platforms and exchanges for the purposes of MOC trading will be sent to all relevant MOC participants.

To avoid any potential business disruption, please be advised that until the completion of the name change for the purposes of MOC trading, related documentation, including trade confirmations, should be issued in the name of Gazprom Marketing & Trading Limited. For the avoidance of doubt, we expressly consider all rights and obligations resulting from such documentation as those of our company SEFE Marketing & Trading Limited.

Thank you for working with SEFE Marketing & Trading Limited and its subsidiaries.